Monday, May 28, 2007

Coming up...

Hi everyone,

Just thought I would post where we will be this coming June. First of all we will be at the Multicultural Fair out in Pleasant Hill at John F. Kennedy University. If it is sunny (keep your fingers crossed!) it will be outside with music, food, craft booths, and stuff for kids to do. If it is raining it will be held inside--although I don't know about the music and food and such, but the craft booths will be there.
Second, we forgot to sign up for some weekend days at the Ashby flee market. So sad I know, but I had to work. So we are going to try to get a spot a couple of times during the month, but we don't know for sure.
That's all for now.
Thanks for the support.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Our Next Time at the Flea Market

Well, I've been absent at the flea market now for about a month :(
It has been rainy and I haven't wanted to try to go out to see just how much it would or wouldn't rain with my delicate cards, quilts, potholders, and wall hangings.

My next venture out to the flea market is going to be April 28th. Its a Saturday and hopefully it wont rain. If it doesn't rain I would love to see you there.

Sarah S.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ashby Flea Market

Hello everyone,

Teri and I just spend this past Saturday at the Ashby Flea Market. It was a fun and sad experience. Fun because we met a lot of nice people and had fun hanging out in the sun. It was sad because we didn't have a lot of business, but maybe its just that some days are better than others... There's always next time! Speaking of which... our next time will be March 25th at the Ashby flea market (in the Ashby Bart Parking lot), so if you want or need some more cards (Easter is coming up and dont forget about Mother's Day), perhaps a few new potholders, or would like a quilt stop on by.

Thanks to those people that did stop by this past weekend.

Till next time,
Sarah S.