Monday, August 23, 2010

a project well over due

I bet your wondering what happened with the craft room/office. All I can say is: Almost there!

We moved into our first home at the end of May 2010. Since then we have had little projects that we have wanted to get done around the house. One of the projects I have wanted to get done is to frost the glass on the pantry doors. This house has very little storage space and we had to buy a pantry. We love the doors--they are glass squares. Very pretty. Not very practical, unless you are Martha Stewart and everything matches and will line up just so.

Here I am, in the middle of August, just now getting to it. Follow me in picture as I finally get to frosting the doors.
pantry before glass is frosted--see I am no Martha! Things are not lined up perfectly!

close up of the pantry
making the template
picking the right size film--trying to get as many squares out of it as I can
After I mark where to cut, I used my scrapbook paper cutter to cut the sqares
Directions seem easy enough
remember before...
Oh no bubbles!!!!
Side by side-with film and without film
Oops, need another roll of film. Didn't quite finish...
Looks great! Finished just in time for the housewarming party!
It took 2 days to finish only because I needed another 12x84 film (and not the 24x36 which I had at home but planned on returning). It was a hit at the party--everyone loved it and thought that the glass came like that! Little did they know, it was just crafty little me!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's been a long time...

So it seems I got wrapped up in life and made a lot of other frivolous things priority above crafting. I fell out of touch with crafting friends who went off and did their own things with craft shows and such while I worked. Work coupled with my condition makes me very tired after I get off work. It seems like I just couldn't muster the energy during the week to craft. Bla. I could dwell on this, but I wont. I don't want to make myself feel bad or be envious that others seem to have more time to craft than I do.

What I will dwell on is that I am now committed to being crafty! Well, at least kind of. There are some things that I need to get done first. One is cleaning the office/craft room. Since we just moved into our own (very first!) home we actually have an office/craft space not a little hole in the wall where I am cramped! Naturally this was the last room to be unpacked and so it needs to be worked on. I hope to, within the next week, get it clean! Here it is before and hopefully sometime next week there will be a few after pictures:
Here is the office/craft room from the entry 

Here is the thick of the mess
That is my craft stuff holder minus bags/boxes of material and knitting/crocheting stuff

I have so much stuff I want to get put up Etsy (my etsy account) and need to spend time doing that. I figure if I devote at least an 30-60 min a day/3 days a week. I just might get my Etsy account up and going and have time to start and finish other projects like my scarf that I started 2 Christmases ago!

So, my goals for the next coming couple of weeks: clean/organize/unpack office/craft room, put stuff up on Etsy, hold a housewarming party, and apply for jobs. So much to do, so little time. I'm off...