Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's been a long time...

So it seems I got wrapped up in life and made a lot of other frivolous things priority above crafting. I fell out of touch with crafting friends who went off and did their own things with craft shows and such while I worked. Work coupled with my condition makes me very tired after I get off work. It seems like I just couldn't muster the energy during the week to craft. Bla. I could dwell on this, but I wont. I don't want to make myself feel bad or be envious that others seem to have more time to craft than I do.

What I will dwell on is that I am now committed to being crafty! Well, at least kind of. There are some things that I need to get done first. One is cleaning the office/craft room. Since we just moved into our own (very first!) home we actually have an office/craft space not a little hole in the wall where I am cramped! Naturally this was the last room to be unpacked and so it needs to be worked on. I hope to, within the next week, get it clean! Here it is before and hopefully sometime next week there will be a few after pictures:
Here is the office/craft room from the entry 

Here is the thick of the mess
That is my craft stuff holder minus bags/boxes of material and knitting/crocheting stuff

I have so much stuff I want to get put up Etsy (my etsy account) and need to spend time doing that. I figure if I devote at least an 30-60 min a day/3 days a week. I just might get my Etsy account up and going and have time to start and finish other projects like my scarf that I started 2 Christmases ago!

So, my goals for the next coming couple of weeks: clean/organize/unpack office/craft room, put stuff up on Etsy, hold a housewarming party, and apply for jobs. So much to do, so little time. I'm off...

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