Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby it's cold outside...

Yes folks thats right it is getting colder in the evenings and there have been some pretty chilly mornings. Perhaps that means it's time to get out (or buy-hint hint) those scarves you have hidden away! I found some that I have been knitting/crocheting for a while now.
bag o' scarves! It doesnt look like much, but there are about 10 in there!

I just keeping adding to the pile. I think I am at the point where I have enough to put up on Etsy. I like making scarves because they are usually pretty simple and most importantly for me QUICK to make! I get to see a finished product in less than a week! Awe... instant (more or less) gratification!

Friday, September 17, 2010

fabric, fabric and more fabric!

all my fabric

Not that I needed anymore fabric, friend Teri K.(see her blog) and I found the great little fabric store near me: New Pieces! Its so cute and the ladies inside are super nice and helpful and so eager to share what has come in and some of their favorite pieces.

I found a great selection of fabric, some for myself and some for future gifts. Here are some close ups of the fabric.
Sushi lovers delight
I love these flower ladies
close up of a flower lady
more lady bugs

All three together. They go with the flower lady fabric.
lovely unicorn fabric for a special someone I know
Another special horsey fabric for a special someone
Such a great time was had by all!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


OK the room has been finished for some time now I just never got to posting about it.
I love that I have two desks (shhh don't let my partner know I count her desk as my own)! It creates some much needed work space. Plus the floor is big enough to lay out a full size quilt to work on and piece together.

I love the light! Four huge windows let in so much natural light! Enjoy the picks below of the cleaned up/organized room!

looking into the room-a lot of books   

Here are our two desks

The cat beds (so Izzy can watch me and some of my beloved windows)!
More windows and some of my craft area (we were getting ready for our party so the chairs arent usually out).
My craft organizer/holder! I love that everything has a place!
I love this space. Just being in it makes me want to be creative.