Wednesday, September 15, 2010


OK the room has been finished for some time now I just never got to posting about it.
I love that I have two desks (shhh don't let my partner know I count her desk as my own)! It creates some much needed work space. Plus the floor is big enough to lay out a full size quilt to work on and piece together.

I love the light! Four huge windows let in so much natural light! Enjoy the picks below of the cleaned up/organized room!

looking into the room-a lot of books   

Here are our two desks

The cat beds (so Izzy can watch me and some of my beloved windows)!
More windows and some of my craft area (we were getting ready for our party so the chairs arent usually out).
My craft organizer/holder! I love that everything has a place!
I love this space. Just being in it makes me want to be creative.

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