Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby it's cold outside...

Yes folks thats right it is getting colder in the evenings and there have been some pretty chilly mornings. Perhaps that means it's time to get out (or buy-hint hint) those scarves you have hidden away! I found some that I have been knitting/crocheting for a while now.
bag o' scarves! It doesnt look like much, but there are about 10 in there!

I just keeping adding to the pile. I think I am at the point where I have enough to put up on Etsy. I like making scarves because they are usually pretty simple and most importantly for me QUICK to make! I get to see a finished product in less than a week! Awe... instant (more or less) gratification!

1 comment:

This Mommy Made It said...

Show us the scarves! Can't wait to see them on Etsy!